Friday, 15 August 2014

Laying my laminate Flooring... Part 1

When I set out to install my flooring myself I knew it would be a challenge. However I really wanted to give it a go. Although I’ve never really done anything like it before, I almost wanted to prove to myself that I am capable of doing these challenging things which a lot of people would rather just pay someone else to do.

Lucky for me, I have amazing parents who are overly supportive and encourage me to have a go at everything. They also had some great knowledge after laying their own floor about 9 years back. Mum also volunteered to help with the actual laying, as really it is a job that requires two people.
I won’t do any fancy tutorial as really I don’t see myself as an expert at all, and really we just figured it out as we went along. I’m sure there are better ways of doing things but we did what worked for us and I think the result is looking pretty amazing.

We're still not quite finished, just a few last rows to go in which will hopefully happen this weekend. We are also yet to install the skirting timbers, so the floors are not fully complete yet.


So heres a little run down of how we did it.
First up we laid the underlay, basically just a thin foam with a waterproof barrier which helps protect moisture coming up from the slab and damaging the boards. We just stuck it together with tape, nothing fancy it really doesn’t need to be as the boards hold it all down.
I then used our new multi-tool to undercut my doorways. This tool is awesome, we just used a spacer the right height to rest the blade on, and then it just cuts its way through. This one was only about $60 and came with heaps of different accessories. You can get better quality ones but for this job this was more than adequate. It cuts a perfectly even line.

Then there was quite a bit of umming and ahhing over where to start, we decided to start in the end bedroom, so we could get a bit of practice in before laying the more important living areas.
We used spacers, all the same size to ensure we left an expansion gap. These types of floors can expand and contract in different temperatures and humidity levels so this is important. My spacers were 8mm thick, this was to enable my 12mm skirting timbers to be able to cover the gaps. As we progressed some of these gaps were a bit bigger and some a bit smaller, it would be impossible to get it perfect.


To install the boards is actually a very simple process as they just click together, generally we would click them in sideways, and then tap them down with a hammer to ensure they were locked tightly together. We cut the end off a board and used this as our ‘tapper’ as the grooved edges fit together and the bagging doesn’t damage the boards then. The tapper starts to look a bit worse for wear after a while. Occasionally the layout would require the boards to be laid end-to-end first and then tapped sideways.

A lot of cuts were required to get boards the right length and also to cut around the doorways and angles. We used my new jig saw which was a Christmas gift from my parents, it worked really well. We clamped boards down so they didn’t move about.
We went through A LOT of blades though. My boards are 12mm thick, and must be pretty tough because after a while blades would get blunt and make cutting really hard. We tried a variety of different blades, wood and metal blades, also different brands, but none really seemed to last any longer than others. Our preference was probably the metal blades as the cuts were slightly smoother.

We went against the instructions which recommended all cuts be made from underneath to prevent chipping. After a few practice runs we found our blades weren’t making any significate chips on the top anyway. This made marking out cuts a lot easier. We stuck little felt pads on the bottom of the jig saw to ensure it didn’t leave any rub marks as we made the cuts.

Cutting around doorways was difficult and very time consuming, I must say it tested my patients a few times. In some cases we were able to slide the boards underneath the door frame for a seamless look. But in some areas this was just not possible. Therefore we cut the boards as close to the exact door frame size as we could and I will fill in the small gap with a little filler of some sort. You really can’t notice unless you’re down on your hands and knees anyway.


It has taken us a few weeks to lay the floor. We have had a few full days over the weekend, but then a lot was done after work each night.
The floor is not perfect, there are a few imperfections here and there, but really I don’t think you can tell unless I point out where they are… so I won’t do that haha.
I think it looks wonderful. I’m so proud of the outcome and that I had a go and challenged myself. I’ve gained some new skills but more importantly gained a huge amount of confidence in being able to tackle these large home projects. Again a huge Thank you to my parents who were just as much a part of this project as I was. I couldn’t have done it without them.

Ill upload some finished pics hopefully next week.
Then onto stage 2... Painting, cutting and fitting my skirting boards.


  1. Good work Miss Libe.

    Even a professional installer wouldn't escape a few imperfections.

    1. Thank you! your right.. even the pros would be very challenged to get it perfect.

  2. Well done, I'm impressed! Good on you!

  3. Hi Libe, just stumbled across your blog and wanted to say congrats on your new home. Well done on tackling the floors too, they look great! :) Look forward to seeing more house progress!

    1. yay! glad you stumbled by Ashlea! Thank you, its all coming together. x

  4. And think of the coin you pocketed that you can use for the fun stuff. FURNITURE and ACCESSORIES!

    1. haha yes definitely worth the effort to I have a little more cash for the fun stuff :P


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