Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Sealing Grout to keep it pretttty!

Sealing the grout in my bathrooms and laundry was a must for me, up there with the most important jobs. I had done a lot of research and knew it was my best chance at preserving my grout, keeping it in the best condition I could. I believe nice clean grout makes a huge difference to the look of tiles. Everyday living can get grout pretty grubby.

I selected white grout in my ensuite bathroom, which is the worst colour to keep looking clean, and my main bathroom and laundry have a light grey grout. So it was important to me that I at least try to keep it nice. Over time yes, it might not look as good but at least I would know that I did all I could.
I’m no expect in the matter. I don’t have any special knowledge of grout or bathroom design. I don’t even have any family or friends in this area. So all I could do was turn to trusty google in search of a product that would suit my needs.
From my research the best product I could find here in Australia, was a product called Sealers Choice Gold by AquaMix. I think this stuff must be made of gold because it is pretty pricy. I think I paid about $90.00 for 473ml. But hey, that’s a small price to pay if it works. It’s a penetrative sealer which soaks into the grout.

I made sure all the grout was clean before I got started but giving it a good scrub with warm water, I didn't use any detergents as I figured it may affect the sealer.
I decided to apply mine with a tiny paint brush, I didn’t want to get it all over the tiles in case it left any residue. It does say on the label that it can darken, or lighten some surfaces. I also didn’t want to waste any of it.

I applied two coats, it took quite a while I won’t lie, but definitely wasn’t a difficult job. I think if you had smaller tiles it would definitely take a lot longer as there would be more grout lines.  I had a cloth handy and wiped away any runs straight away.
It dried completely clear, you can’t tell that anything had been put on it at all. I wouldn’t say it has a strong smell either. I didn’t have to open windows or anything for ventilation which was good because its freezing here at the moment.

So I guess only time will tell if it does the job. Hopefully, fingers crossed it will. I do have quite a bit left over so I’ll pop it in the cupboard and do another coat in the future if it needs it.

If anyone has any great tips for regular cleaning and maintenance of grout I'm all ears x


  1. I sealed our bathroom tiles. They still get dirty but I suppose if we didn't seal them it would have been worse.

  2. Lovely tile choice, they are very similar to ours.

  3. Like Nat, i sealed the grout it gets dirty but its cleans up well. Perhaps if not sealed the grout would stain instead?


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