Thursday, 7 August 2014


So handover was almost two weeks ago now and wow the time has flown, I've been flat out but its been great!
The actual handover went pretty smooth, well kinda, a few small minor hiccups. I had handover booked at the house for Friday 25th July 1pm.
Most of the last minute jobs to be done by the builders were completed, these included replacing a few scratched panels in the kitchen, wall paint touch ups, replacing a panel in my glass door as it had a scratch, tidying up silicone around the kitchen sink etc. and the final appliances, hot water system etc were installed that day also.
My site supervisor did however, bring the keys and paperwork for the wrong house! my heart stopped when we both realised. I was thinking, oh no, that means no handover as it wasn't feasible to just go and get my paperwork as the head office is over an hour away. But in the end, after a few phone calls, he left me with a construction key so I could have access and then returned the following day with the correct paperwork and keys. Pheww. I think he felt pretty silly.
So since keys, I've been flat out cleaning, sealing the grout in my bathrooms, laying my flooring, putting up some temporary fencing, hanging blinds, security lights, the list goes on.
I've also had my air conditioner, carpet and kitchen lighting installed. Ill do some more detailed posts on everything later, once I've had a bit of time to digest what's been happening.

I did have a few days off work which helped to get a few things done but now I'm back to work its been a bit harder to make significant progress. but good things take time right!

Anyway I better get back to it, I promise more updates and pics very soon.

Libby xx



  1. How did laying your floors go? I'm looking forward to seeing some photos. You sound very busy!

    1. Floors are going very well but still not done, turns out its very time consuming cutting around doorways and angled walls, but we will get there. It is looking great!

  2. I am pumped for you. After all this waiting time you can finally do the fun stuff. Hooray!

    1. haha oh thanks Nat! Im pumped too, finally the fun stuff! Now to decide what to do first x


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