Friday, 22 August 2014

Oh that Sofa!

Let me intrduce you to my fabulous new sofa!

He's the perfect shade of grey, very comfortable and suits my house perfectly. I found him at The Sofa Shop (very creative name hehe) back in May, and he's been waiting in his box in my parents shed ever since. It was so fun to finally unbox and see him in my new living room.

At first I wasnt completely sold on those arm roll cushions but they are growing on me, so they might stay. Below is a pic without them.

But I definitely need to add some throw cushions, I've been holding off ever so patiently for months and now I can finally go pick some out which will be great fun.

The sofa will be paired with some other chairs which have been a DIY project I've been working on, I'll reveal more soon, once they are complete.

There's not a lot of furniture which I am planning to buy new for my home. Instead a lot of items will be repurposed or built. However one piece which I wanted new was a 3 seat sofa/lounge.
I hunted for months and months, even before I signed my building contract, I'm pretty sure I was researching sofas. Crazy I know, but maybe not so crazy for us interiors lovers. Im sure I'm not alone. Anyway finding something I liked was quite a challenge, mostly due to budget restrictions. I didn't have thousands to play with and therefore that restricted my choices somewhat. Also living in South Australia, we seem to miss out on alot of the great items available interstate and overseas.
After months of trawling the shops I narrowed my selections down to a couple of sofas that fit my budget. Although they are quite different in style they were...The Parlour from Plush Sofas and the IKEA Stockholm. but neither really felt right, you know that gut feeling when you just know something is right. Well I just wasnt getting that feeling.... But then a strike of fate took me into the SofaShop, somewhere I'd never been before, and there he was, and on sale too, wooop. The customer service was also amazing, especially compared to some of the other shops I had been to. I dont know about you but I'd much rather buy from a place that has helpfull and attentive staff over one that doesnt.


Anyway Im excited to use this as my base for the design of the Living Room. I think its a great start and I know will work in well with my future decorating plans.


  1. Oh i love your sofa so much!! And yes i had laybyed most my new furniture like 6 months before my slab went down! (to be fair it was delayed haha)
    What colour cushions do you think you'll choose?

    1. Thanks Leanne, not sure on the cushions yet, I keep flipping back and forth with my ideas, ahh haha.

  2. That is a one gorgeous looking sofa. It looks comfy and stylish, the best of both worlds :)

    1. Its so comfy Michelle, glad you like it too x

  3. It is a gorgeous sofa. I would get rid of the arm rolls and find some awesome cushions I think. So many nice choices out there right now.

    1. Thanks Nat, yea I think the rolls will go.

  4. Replies
    1. Hi Leanne, I disappeared there for a while hey, been flat out, this new house business takes up every spare moment hehe. Tonnes of new things to update on, need to get the camera out and take some pics. x


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