So handover is almost here, wow! how crazy is that. All those years of dreaming, planning, saving and preparing, the day that I finally get the keys to my very own home is finally here.
I've got to say I have so many mixed emotions going on right now. Of course I'm beyond excited, but I'm also nervous and slightly scared of what lies ahead. Life is about to change in a lot of ways for me and its also about to get a lot busier.
There's going to be a lot of late nights getting things set up, and there is going to be some big learning curves I'm sure, as I delve into first time home ownership.
But I'm looking forward to it all, looking forward to making this house my home and seeing what fun ways I can decorate it and make it my own. I'm so excited to see some of my ideas that have been in my head for so long actually come to life.
This last week has been crazy making sure all the last minute things are organised. My brain has been on overdrive and I've also had money coming out my eyeballs. haha. I do have some time off work after I get my keys so I can get started on installing my flooring and also so I can be home for a few different tradies I've got coming to do my air con, splashback, extra lighting etc.
Fingers crossed everything goes smoothly with the final payment with my bank and also with the few last minute things that needed to be done by the builders on my house.
Here's to the future and all the exciting things that lay ahead....
Libby x