Wednesday, 30 October 2013

White Again

So it seems I have a love affair with white!! 

Just like my white kitchen I have planned, which I talked about here previously. I also have been dreaming of an all white bathroom...white tiles with white grout.
I know it's not practical at all. It’s going to get grubby without a lot of maintenance. With this in mind I still can’t change what I want.  Believe me I've tried to talk myself out of it but no luck. 
I have two bathrooms in my house so have decided I will be practical in my main bathroom and go with darker colours but have all-white in my ensuite bathroom. It’s a tiny room, so hopefully I can maintain it. 

I’m currently on the lookout for a vanity cabinet mirror with storage. There’s a few at Ikea, but I’m still not sure which style I’ll go for. Plain mirror, or something a bit more traditional looking. I'm still looking around in case I can find something better elsewhere.

Do you know of anywhere that sells great little mirror cabinets?


  1. Oh, I like white-so clean! In an ensuite you shouldn't need too many tiles anyway, so you should be fine. x

    1. Yea hopefully not too many grout lines to clean :)

  2. I too am a huge fan of white <3

    Can't go wrong :)


  3. Oh yes I LOVE white bathrooms also. But I always think they need just a splash of black somewhere to ground it. I read about it here:

    1. Hey Natalie, hmm you have a good point. I might have to come up with a way to add just a splash. Maybe with accessories or a piece of art?


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