Monday, 3 February 2014

The beginnings of a gallery wall

Growing up, one of my favorite parts of my family home was our central hallway. There is nothing particularly interesting about the hallway, it’s just a long narrow stretch down the centre of the house. But what makes this hallway so special is all the photographs that line the entire length of both walls. Family photos, mostly wedding photos. Almost everyone who visits, always stops in the hallway to have a look. 
I remember deciding, wayyyy back, when I was only a kid. Before I was even interested in interiors, that one day I would have a house with a big long hallway where I could have treasured photos lining the walls, just like in my parents home.

Maybe that’s part of the reason I fell in love with my house plan, it has a huge long hallway, stretching a large portion of the house. Perfect for my very own gallery.

Some inspiration I have gathered....

I have already started slowly collecting some frames. The cost of these soon adds up, so doing it over time helps spread out the cost. So far my frames are all new, however I am keeping an eye out at my local second hand stores for old frames that I can re-purpose with some spray paint if needed. 

Photo wise I will need to organise some enlargements. I’m planning on mixing some old family photos, in with some recent ones, and maybe some other bits and pieces thrown in there. 

I’m also leaning towards using a picture ledge/s to put them on rather than hanging them individually on the wall. But I will lock that in later on. 

Location wise, here’s where I’m thinking...

I'm pretty excited about it, can't wait to see it come together.


  1. I just did a gallery wall in my master bedroom and I love looking at it everyday! I just need to post about it now ;) Looks like you are off to a good start though! can't wait to see how it looks!!

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by. Definitely do a post on your gallery wall as I would love to have a look :)

  2. I don't have hallways but I did do a big photo wall in my family room. It has 32 frames. Will blog it in a few days :)

    1. oh wow, a photo wall in the family room would look great! looking forward to seeing some pics.


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