Thursday, 30 January 2014

Selections Overlode

I did my internal selections for my house back in November 2013, which already seems like a lifetime ago... anyway thought I'd better put an update on here of everything I picked.

So to explain to those who haven't built a house before, everything gets picked at your 'selections appointment', this appointment only goes for a couple of hours,  and you need to decide on everything - tiles, grout, cupboards, benchtops, handles, tapwear, doors, appliances, sinks, basins, the list goes on and on. If you want to make changes later, it can be a big hassle and usually will cost you. Doesn't sound too hard right? haha well maybe for some, but for me, someone who dreams of interiors all day, every day, its a big deal! I had to get it right.

I did do the smart thing and visit the display rooms numerous times prior to my appointment to get a good idea of what I wanted to go with. I pretty much had everything picked before I even went into my selection appointments which I definitely recommend. I've heard a lot of stories of people who wait until their final selection appointment, then basically go in blind and attempt to pick everything at once. Crazy people! ... I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.

I couldn't just pick anything in the selection center however, as there was a standard range that my builder uses and anything out of this is an extra cost. I managed to find most items in the standard range that I was pretty happy with, with only a few things which I paid extra for. In some ways it makes the process a lot easier as choosing from a smaller selection makes it a little less overwhelming.

The official names for everything I picked is listed below for those out there who are interested. Otherwise just enjoy my not-so-good iPhone photos :/

Cupboards – Silk LX White
Bench top – White Valencia (Diamond Gloss finish)
All door handles will be installed Horizontal
Splashback to be done post handover

                    Zoom in (real dimensions: 914 x 1024)Image

Main bathroom
Floor and wall Tiles – Santorini argento natural with Magellan grey grout
(went for a bit of a risk here choosing the same tile for both the floor and walls, hoping it'll turn out ok)
Vanity Cupboard - Asphalt
Vanity bench top – White Valencia (matt finish)
Linen cupboard – LX white

Zoom in (real dimensions: 581 x 1024)Image

Ensuite Bathroom
Wall Tiles – Concept Ice
Floor Tiles – Concept Ice plain matt
Vanity cupboard – Silk LX white
Vanity Benchtop – white Valencia (matt finish)

Internal wall colour – Winter Sky
Doors/Skirts/Aves – Winter Sky
Ceiling – White

(sorry no pics)

So what do you think? all very safe, neutral colours but I think it'll look great!  Fingers crossed.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014


So I'm way behind on updates, I know, I know, bad blogger. Not a lot has been happening on the house front except...... I have a SLAB!!!!

It all happened quite unexpectedly, back early December 2013 I had contacted my builder and been advised that site works for my foundations (slab) would only start towards the end of January as they were about to shut down for a few weeks over the Christmas/ New year period. Anyway... it was quite a surprise as I was driving by my land only 3 days later to see workmen and large machinery leveling my site and digging trenches. I think I screamed with excitement.

The guys worked flat out for 3 days prepping the site, installing the plumbing, putting in the reinforcing mesh and fancy orange plastic.

Then the slab concrete was poured the following Monday. I walked on it that night, it was pretty exciting!

At the time it was all very overwhelming as like I said, I wasnt expecting anything for at least another month, I was all mentally prepared for the new year. The moment I seen the workmen on my site it all sunk in that this is really happening, my house will not be far away. Although I am sooooo excited about it all, I also have a lot of nerves as this will bring a lot of change in my life, but change is good as they say.