Friday, 27 September 2013

...dreaming of a white kitchen

Out of the million and one things that need to be decided when building a house, the kitchen colours will be the easiest for me. Its the one thing I know for sure what I want… thank goodness.
I decided long ago that I wanted an all white kitchen, thats right ALL WHITE!
I just love them, so bright, fresh and classy... and when I say all white I’m mean cabinets and bench tops. Colour can still be brought in with the splashback tiles or with accessories.
When I finalise my colour selections with my builder, ill be sure to share them on here.
I can imagine sitting around with family and friends, serving drinks and nibbles in my pretty white kitchen. Still seems crazy to me that it will be a reality soon. Cant wait!
Now for a few amazing White kitchens for us all to drool over….

Image Source


  1. Hi Libby. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. It's always lovely to meet a fellow Aussie!
    Congratulation on securing your block of land! How awesome!
    I would love to build a house from scratch one day. I would put cupboards everywhere - hmmm, I think living in a storage deprived house has made me slightly storage crazy!
    Love the white kitchens. I think the first is my favourite.
    Good luck with everything. Such an exciting time for you.

    1. Thanks so much Kristine! it definatly is very exciting.
      haha nothing worse than not enough storage. I find though, the more space I have, the more stuff I keep that I dont need :P The house plan has built ins in all the bedrooms and I plan to add more storage to the laundry and garage later on so hopefully Ill have enough. Thanks so much for stopping by x


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